
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Israeli family murdered, terrorists celebrate

Ruth Fogel (35), husband Udi Fogel (36), and children Yoav (11), Elad (4) and Hadas (3 months) murdered in their sleep by a Palestinian terrorist on Friday. Their bodies were discovered by their 12-year-old daughter.

Palestinian man offers sweets to Hamas police officers in Rafah in the Gaza strip to celebrate the murders.

Sorry, I don't usually post news about crimes or politics on Quick Brown Fox but I have a niece named Hadas, the same name as the murdered baby, and I'm so revolted by the idea of people celebrating this slaughter  that I feel compelled to do my tiny bit to bring it to the attention of the world. - Brian


  1. I literally felt ill when I read this, but I totally understand why you posted it.

  2. I had to read it twice. I couldn't believe that they celebrated the murders, the humankind is at the bottom of its decline. But are these humans? There are not animals for sure, animals kill when they're hungry or frightened.

  3. I hated reading it, some people are un-human in the deepest sense.


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