
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

3 new books: Blinded by an Angel by Christine Yanke, The Stoned Theory of My Own Destruction by Richard Tattoni, and The Price of Loyalty by Gail Copeland

Hi, Brian.

I wanted to touch base to let you know that I finally self-published my memoir – Blinded by an Angel! Yup ... nine years in the making is a very long time lol! 

I am so grateful for your workshops that I attended and for your help in some of the editing in the early stages of this book back in 2013-2014.

I have extended my appreciation of your support in my book in the Acknowledgements and just wanted to let you know.

Hope you are doing well!

With Gratitude,

Christine Yanke

Positive Psychology Coach, YogaFit Instructor 

Blinded by an Angel by Christine Yanke

In 2001, Christine Yanke’s life was turned upside down after police raided her family’s home and arrested her Hells Angel husband. Suddenly an unemployed single mother of three boys, she had to fight to keep her home and family together. For the next three years, her husband awaited a trial that would determine their future together as a family.

When Christine was attending the eventual trial, her mother died suddenly while babysitting her boys. Six months later, she watched her husband sentenced to 20 years. To cope with this heartbreak, she turned to alcohol and drugs—hitting rock bottom before admitting herself to rehab. Six years later, her father died by suicide. Following a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, she went full-force into therapy to heal the pain she’d avoided for years.

Blinded by an Angel is available here.

Hi, Brian.

I have great news. My picaresque novel, The Stoned Theory of my Own Destruction has finally been self-published. It can be found in e-book, paperback, and hardcover here

Or check out my website for the custom prints.

Kind regards,

Richard Tattoni


Hi, Brian.

Back in February 2019, you edited my manuscript and after chopping, tweaking and getting feedback from Beta readers, I eventually had a finished copy of The Price of Loyalty. It’s a Middle Grade historical fiction dealing with two Loyalist brothers who leave their family in New Jersey to make their way to what is now Thorold, Ontario. 

Since my book fit into a very small niche, it was virtually impossible to find an agent/publisher. Through a Facebook connection, I found out about the services of Creative Connex The person I spoke with was Steve Sutherland and he helped me through the process. It’s a great service.

I started 8 years ago in your class on How to Make Yourself to Write. As of this past Monday, I’m up on Amazon!

Thanks Brian.

Gail Copeland

Read more about The Price of Loyalty or order your copy here


See Brian Henry’s upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and weekend retreats here.

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