
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Kudos to Lucky, Sue, Sharon, and Tessie!

If you’ve had a story (or a book!) published, if you’ve won or placed in a writing contest, if you’ve gotten yourself an agent, or if you have any other news, send me an email so I can share your success. As writers, we’re all in this together, and your good news gives us all a boost. 

Also, be sure to let know if you're looking for a writers' group or beta readers; a notice in Quick Brown Fox, will help you find them. 

Email me at:


Hi, Brian.

I hope this email finds you well.

I took a workshop with you several years ago. While I stepped away from writing for a bit, I continued to receive your emails and appreciate the helpful resources.

I am so happy to share that I recently received Honourable Mention in Off Topic Publishing’s short-story writing contest.

You can read my story, The Pot Roast Trials” here.

I wanted to thank you as I learned about such contests through your emails. Very helpful and much appreciated!

All the best,

Lucky Kalsi

Note: For information of submitting to Off Topic Publishing (and a few other places to send your short prose and poetry) see here.


Good morning, Brian.

I just got this email.

Can you see me jumping up and down in glee?

Tessie Lagtapon

Subject: Your Witcraft Submission - Sleepless in Brampton

Dear Tessie

Thank you for your submission to Witcraft. We are delighted to advise that your piece has been accepted and will be published on August 18.
Doug Jacquier, Editor

Note: For information on submitting to Witcraft (and a few other places to send your short prose and poetry) see here.  


Hi, Brian.

Here's an update for your newsletter - and thanks!

My personal essay, “I'm NOT Goldilocks,” was the winner of the 2024 Cambridge Festival of the Arts Literary Contest. My reading was filmed, and I was interviewed by Conestoga College for a future television airing.

Also, my story “Amphibians,” was a winner in the Canadian Authors Association (Toronto) Short Story Contest. An Anthology will be published in 2024 to celebrate the winning poems and short stories.

Hope you have a great summer! 

All the best,

Sharon Frayne

P.S. Thanks for a great course! I really enjoyed the Wednesday afternoon Intensive class and loved the other participants and the opportunity to see their work.

Note: For information about Sharon’s novel, The Sound of a Rainbow, see here.


Hi, Brian.

Wishing everyone a Happy Canada Day weekend!

Lat week I received the news that my short story, “If Only” was selected as the FIRST PLACE WINNER in the Memoir Category in the Canadian Legion Literary Writing Contest. (As you know, that story is now called “Full Circle.”) I’m thrilled. Some positive news is always great.

See you in a class in September, and have an awesome safe summer.

Cheers and hugs,

Sue Kelly


See all my upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and four-day  retreats here.

See where else you fellow writers are getting published here (and scroll down).

Note: You can now get new postings on Quick Brown Fox delivered straight to your Inbox as I publish them. Subscribe to the new Quick Brown Fox page on Substack here:


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