
Monday, July 15, 2024

More great places to send your weird (and not so weird) short prose & poetry ~ and most of them pay

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Craft was established in 2017 as a literary magazine for fiction and expanded in 2020 to also publish creative nonfiction.

Pays $200 US for short stories and for creative nonfiction pieces 1,000–6,000 words; $100 for flash fiction and flash creative nonfiction; and $50–$100 for essays on writing craft and interviews. 

Submissions always open. Guidelines here.

Currently, Craft is also running a First Chapters contest for adult literary fiction. Submit the first chapter or chapters of your novel – maximum 5,000 words. Prizes: $2,000 US for first place; $500 for second, and $300 for third. $20 entry fee.

Contest deadline Aug 4, 2024. Details here.


City. River. Tree. Publishes postcard or flash fiction and picta-flash, both online and in a yearly print anthology.

They are looking for fiction of 100-500 words in any genre. You may submit up to three stories. Pays 2 cents US per word ($2 minimum, $5 maximum).

They also want one-page stories written in pictographs; 10 – 50 pictographs per story. Pays 20 cents US per pictograph ($2 minimum, $10 maximum).

Full submission information here.


Bourbon Penn seeks highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd.  Odd characters, odd experiences, odd realities. 

“We’re looking for genre / speculative stories and are quite partial to slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist, and the surreal.

“We want character.  For us, stories live and die by their characters.  We’re looking for fully drawn characters who surprise us with their honesty, complexity, and contradictions.

“We want mysterious.  We’re looking for stories that grab the reader, make them ask, “what the hell is going on?” and then deliver on the tease.

“We want ideas and we want action.  We love exploring big, philosophical ideas, but we revel in suspenseful plotting.  If you’re adept at blending these elements, we can’t wait to read your work.

“We want fresh voices and exciting prose.  We want to be surprised.  We want to be inspired.  We want to find stories that we can’t wait to publish, promote, and evangelize.”

Pays 4 cents US per word.  Guidelines here.


Monkeybicycle is an online literary journal which is updated almost daily. 

“Founded in 2002 in Seattle, WA, Monkeybicycle has continued to publish the absolute highest quality in a wide range of literary categories. Twice, works we’ve published were selected for inclusion in the Best American Nonrequired Reading anthologies and have a selection in the 2018 Best Small Fictions anthology.”

Monkeybicycle publishes short stories (2,000 words maximum) and one-sentence stories. They are open to all genres, as long as there is a strong story and a great narrative. If you have experimental work you'd like to send, they’ll definitely consider that as well.

One-sentence stories, need to be one sentence long, and MonkeyBicycle publishes a new one on their website every Wednesday.

Submissions always open. Guidelines here.


PureSlush wants flash fiction submissions for The Absent Bassoonist, the 4th anthology in their Music series. Stories must be 150 – 1,000 words.

They have a detailed scenario you must adhere to:

The Quonsettville Community Orchestra is set to open the newly-rebuilt LaChute Cultural Center with a sparkling concert.

The concert on Saturday 18th June 2023, will include the first public performance in 68 years of Dudley Donegal O’Day’s magnificent (and very underrated) Triple Bassoon Concerto (transcribed for two bassoons).

But on the night of the concert, First Bassoonist Solomon Schweitzer never arrives.


We want to know what Solomon is doing instead of showing up to perform.

What do you believe happened to Solomon?

To set the scene for the anthology, click here for the story An Empty Chair.

For some simple facts about Solomon (so we’re all on the same page), click here.

For a map of Quonsettville, where the action in The Absent Bassoonist is set, click here.

 Your The Absent Bassoonist submission must include mention of Solomon Schweitzer, his whereabouts, and his reason/s for not showing up to the concert.

PLEASE NOTE: Solomon is not dead. Nor does he show up to play at the end of the concert. Nor does Bethany Thackeray know where he is, nor was she involved in his non-appearance. Solomon and Bethany are not secret lovers or conspirators, and she is genuine in her claim she does not know why he has not arrived for the performance, nor does she know where he might be.

To submit, click here. Please include the word BASSOON, plus your name and the title of your submission, and the word count. (Please note: word counts do not include titles or your name.)

Deadline:  September 30, 2024. Full guidelines here.


See information about all our upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and four-day retreats here.

For information about other places to send your short works, see here (and scroll down).

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