
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Kudos to Nadja, Norma, Emily and Bill!

Note: If you’ve had a story (or a book!) published, if you’ve won or placed in a writing contest, if you’ve gotten yourself an agent, or if you have any other news, send me an email so I can share your success. As writers, we’re all in this together, and your good news gives us all a boost. 

Also, be sure to let know if you're looking for a writers' group or beta readers; a notice in Quick Brown Fox, will help you find them. 

Email me at:


Dear Brian,

I hope 2025 has been kind to you so far.

I published a new essay in Psychology Today, “What is Most Important to Me” (here). 

I hope you will find it worthwhile. And as always, feel free to share.

My warmest wishes and gratitude,

Nadja Halilbegovich


Hi, Brian.

I’m thrilled to tell you that one of my stories was published in White Wall Review. “The Beads Didn’t Speak English Either” is about my first day in kindergarten and my challenges as a five-year-old who didn’t speak English. You can read it here

I have more exciting news! My author website is up and ready for viewing. Please check it out at It’s free to view and subscribe to. I am launching with two stories that honour each of my late parents and will add a new story every two weeks. I’d love for everyone to check it out and let me know what they think. 

Thank you, Brian, for supporting me and inspiring me to continue writing.

Forever grateful,

Norma Gardner

For information about submitting to White Wall Review (and a few other interesting journals), see here.


Hi, Brian.

My article about your writing courses has been published on Local News. I hope you like it: “Pen to Paper: Brian Henry’s Writing Workshops Bring Stories to Life” here.


Emily R. Zarevich. 


Hi, Brian.

Happy to announce that Declan Tucker’s Grand Debut has been published and is available on Amazon (and at the link below). It’s the story of a young artist who has convinced himself his paintings have supernatural powers. He travels to Paris to realize his dreams, armed with nothing but an outsized ego, unwarranted confidence and a brand new credit card. 

The first chapter of the book was written in one of your classes. Many thanks to you and everyone in the group for all the feedback that helped shape a hazy concept into an actual story. 

William (Bill) Wodhams

 Available from Amazon here.


See all my upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and four-day  retreats here. ~Brian

See where else you fellow writers are getting published here (and scroll down).

Note: You can get new postings on Quick Brown Fox delivered straight to your Inbox as I publish them. Subscribe to Quick Brown Fox on Substack here:



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