
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Three new books!

Note: If you’ve had a story (or a book!) published, if you’ve won or placed in a writing contest, if you’ve gotten yourself an agent, or if you have any other news, send me an email so I can share your success. As writers, we’re all in this together, and your good news gives us all a boost. for a writers' group or beta readers; a notice in Quick Brown Fox, will help you find them. 

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Hello, Brian. 

One Autumn at Ril Lake is out, available on Amazon (here).  This is book 3 of the Muskoka Cottage series. 

In Gratitude,

D. M. Rutherford

aka Margery Reynolds

Please also check out my newsletter here.

One Autumn at Ril Lake

Julie Wight doesn’t like complicated. Her mid-forties, single life is a rhythmic flow of exercise, teaching at the village school, and relaxation in her all-seasoned home on the shores of the tranquil Ril Lake. The most complicated Julie’s life gets is deciding which kind of wine she’ll drink while watching the sun set over the lake.

But the village has a doctor and with no rental properties available in town the widower Dr. Michael Adams signs a one-year lease on Julie’s cottage next door. When he and his three daughters move in, suddenly, for Julie, uncomplicated isn’t possible anymore.

What does Joy know that her sisters don’t? Why is Faith having nightmares? Who is the woman Hope talks to over the fence at school? And why is Michael Adams reluctant to talk about his past?

Will Julie’s desire for a simple life drive her to unravel the mysteries behind Michael’s alluring smile or will she break their lease and send them packing, nightmares, secrets and all?

One Autumn at Ril Lake is available here, as are One Summer at Ril Lake and One Winter at Ril Lake.

Hello, Brian.

My second poetry collection came out in late November this year. Seasons is a collection of poetry about seasons in nature and seasons of our lives, plus memory and wonder, all brought together.

I write in a variety of genres and have found poetry to be a special outlet.

Cover art by Heike Elliott. Edited my Maxie Martin. Available on my website here, (along with my other books).

Carolyn Wilker



On behalf of your writing fans, thank you for mentioning Stalker, along with other new books in your list of many recent publications.

I am now pleased to announce my first novel, Searching for Mayapublished November 2024.



P.S. Brian, you are responsible for this publication. Years ago, I asked you to critique my then-manuscript and I was so sensitive to your criticisms that I threw the novel in a corner. I'm sure you have no recollection! Years later, I lifted your comments from my deep dark hidden corner and with new eyes, I recognized your comments as true and honest. So I reworked the novel and this Maya book is the result.

So, Brian, I owe this one to you … thank you so much!

Searching for Maya by Heather Rath

A young girl is raped by her priest and gives birth to a daughter, Maya, whom she puts up for adoption to get a chance at a better life. But Maya's mother cannot heal the baby hole in her heart. When she finally escapes an abusive relationship after 20 years, she searches for Maya. Both mother and daughter, unknown to each other, find themselves in the Maya country of Mexico, and are followed by a stalker.

Searching for Maya is available here. Stalker is available here.


See all my upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and four-day  retreats here. ~Brian

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