Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Muskoka Authors Association presents: The Publishing Extravaganza Event

The Publishing Extravaganza Event

Saturday, June 22
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Doors open at 8:30 am
Bracebridge United Church
46 Dominion Street, Bracebridge, Ontario (Map here)
Enter by door on the northside driveway. 

Muskoka Authors Association, is hosting an all-day one-of-a-kind Publishing Extravaganza Event. This event will be one of the largest gatherings of professionals related to the publishing industry ever held in Muskoka.

No matter the stage of your writing project, this is a must-attend event where you will hear from industry specialists covering all aspects of the publishing journey.

Publishers will walk you through the publication process (whether you’re looking to publish with a traditional publisher or self-publish) and Literary agents will share the secrets on how to attract an agent and the benefits of being represented by an agency.

Also included are special presentations on everything from writing that critical query letter (presented by Brian Henry), to the ins and outs of accounting for writers, to marketing your book for maximum impact and more.

There will also be an opportunity for a limited number of participants to have a one-on-one evaluation of 5 pages of their manuscript by a literary agent or publisher. This is a priceless opportunity to avoid the slush pile and get in front of a literary agent or publisher to pitch your work and get vital industry feedback.

These spots are offered on a first come first serve basis at a nominal additional charge. You will be advised if your submission will be evaluated and how to submit the fee.

Your registration includes lunch (although we can’t guarantee that special dietary needs can be met.  

You won’t want to miss this event if you’re serious about having your work published and out in the world.

Speakers and Topics

Literary Agents:

Marilyn Biderman (Transatlantic): “Marilyn’s Twelve Rules for Writing Great Sentences”

Kathryn Williams (The Rights Factory): “Just the Facts, Ma’am: On Writing and Selling Nonfiction”

Leonicka Valcius (Transatlantic): “The Agent/Author Relationship: Role of your agent and reasonable expectations”           

Editor & Creative Writing Instructor Brian Henry: “Writing your query letter”


Blue Denim Press: “Publishing in a Fragmented World”

Crooked Lane Books: “Getting Your Mystery or Thriller Published”

Entourage Media & Marketing (hybrid publisher): “Marketing to Maximize Your Book Sales”

Accountant Dave Stevenson: “The Business of Writing”

Fees: MAA Members: $35, Non-Members: $80

Manuscript Evaluation Fee: $40

Register through eventbrite here.

Note: If you’re looking to get your manuscript published – or you’re just curious about how it all works – you may also be interested in “How to Get Published,” with guest speaker Gordon Warnock, founding partner and literary agent with Fuse Literary, Sunday, July 21, online. Details here

See all of Brian’s upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and four-day retreats here.

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