Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Some great places to send your short prose and poetry

Note: You can now get new postings on Quick Brown Fox delivered straight to your Inbox as I publish them. Subscribe to the new Quick Brown Fox page on Substack here:  https://brian999.substack.com/


Subterrain is a Canadian literary journal based in Vancouver that publishes creative nonfiction (4,000 words max), commentary (4,000 words max), fiction (3,000 words max), and poetry – but foo poetry, you have to be invited to submit. Subterrain’s tagline is: “Strong words for a polite nation.”

Charges $3 for online submissions through submittable, but no charge for hard copy submissions sent through the mail.

Pays $50 per poem or $.10 per word for prose (to a maximum of $500). 

Deadline: August 15, 2024 for winter issue. Full guidelines here.


Witcraft.org is an online site dedicated to skillful writing that is brief, humorous and engaging. The emphasis will be on wit, word play, absurdity and inspired nonsense. It’s meant as a refuge from the relentless barrage of negativity, angst, war and climate catastrophe that dominates the web, and its tagline is “because not everything has to be serious.”

Pieces should be 200 – 1,000 words. No payment, but there are 3 monthly prizes for the best submissions.

Witchcraft.org is currently also running it’s annual humour contest. Requirements are the same as for regular submissions, but there is a $5 US entry fee and three prizes to be won of $250, $100 and $100 US. 

Deadline for contest July 31, 2024. Contest guidelines here.

Regular submissions are on-going. Regular guidelines here.


Hi, Brian.

The May issue of Gemini Magazine is now online featuring the six winners of our 14th annual Poetry Open and more. LP, an art history master's candidate from New Hampshire, took top honors and the $1,000 prize for "Bracken." 

We will be accepting entries to our 16th annual Flash Fiction Contest through August 31. The top prize is $1,000 and the entry fee is $8. Aside from the 1,000-word limit, no rules! Read last year's winner "Just Missed Ya" by Carla Burns here.

General submissions are FREE. Send written work, visual art or videos on any topic here. Always open. No rules. 


David Bright
Gemini Magazine


Writing in a Woman’s Voice

Submissions are open year-round. Send two – six poems or one prose piece (5,000 words maximum), as a single word file attachment or in the text of your email (no PDFs please). Previously published work is fine so long as you own the rights. If you want a short bio posted with your work, please include a third person bio of 100 words or less with your submission.

All rights remain with the author of any work posted. From one full moon to the next, one or two small Moon Prize(s) ($91) will be awarded to a story or poem posted on Writing in a Woman’s Voice during the preceding moon cycle.

Send something to writinginawomansvoice@gmail.com


101 Words publishes flash fiction stories that are exactly 101 words long – titles don’t count; hyphenated words count as a single word. You need to get the word count exactly right.

Pays $10 US for pieces selected to be in one of their flash fiction anthologies. No payment for pieces published on their website.

Submissions are on-going. Full guidelines here.


Quick Brown Fox welcomes your short stories, poems, and essays about reading, writing, favourite books, and libraries. Read a few pieces on the blog to get a taste of what other writers have done. See here and scroll down.

Quick Brown Fox also welcomes book reviews and reviews of any kind and of anything, anywhere or anybody. If you want to review your favourite coffee shops or libraries, babysitters or lovers (no real names please), go for it. See examples of book reviews here {and scroll down).

Submit to: brianhenry@sympatico.ca

Include a short bio at the end of your piece and attach a photo of yourself.

See information about all our upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and weekend retreats here.

For information about other places to send your short works, see here (and scroll down).

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