Workshop & Course Schedule

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Writing Retreats

Spring Writers’ Retreat at Elm Hurst Inn & Spa

Friday, April 25 – Monday, April 28. Details here.

June in Algonquin Writers' Retreat at Arowhon Pines Resort in Algonquin Park
Friday, June 13 – Monday, June 16. 
Details here.

September in Algonquin Writers' Retreat at Arowhon Pines Resort 
  in Algonquin Park, 
Friday, Sept 12 – Monday, Sept 15. Details here.

Writing workshops:

Online: “Writing for children and for young adults,” with Patricia Ocampo,
  senior editor with Kids Can Press, Saturday, March 1. Details here.

In-person: “Writing Your Life & Other True Stories,” 
Saturday, May 3, Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario. Details here.

Online: “How to Get Published,” with Bridgette Kam of Westwood Creative Artists
Saturday May 31. Details here.

Online: “How to Build Your Novel” with guest New York Times bestselling author
  Kelley Armstrong, Sunday, July 20. Details here.

The Writers Federation of New Brunswick presents:
Brian Henry on “Writing Your Best” (Other topics to be determined)
Saturday, Sept 27 – Sunday, Sept 28, Moncton, New Brunswick. Details to come

Weekly Writing Courses

(Details of all upcoming weekly classes here.)

“Intensive Creative Writing”

Offered online at 3 different times:

Tuesday evenings 6:30 – 9:00
First readings emailed March 25. Classes: April 1 – June 3 (or to June 10 if the course fills up)

Wednesday afternoons, 12:30 – 3:00
First readings emailed March 19. Classes: March 26 – June 18 (No class April 23 or June 11).

Friday mornings 10:00 – 12:30
Jan 17 –March 7. First readings emailed March 21. Classes: March 28 – June 20
(or to June 27 if the course fills up. No class April 25, May 16 or June 13)

     Details of all three "Intensive Creative Writing" courses here

“Writing Picture Books – Intensive”
Online: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
First readings emailed March 19. Classes: March 26 – June 4
(or to June 18 if the course fills up. No class April 23 or June 11)

“(Not so) Extreme Creative Writing”
In-person: Thursday afternoons, 12:30 – 3:00 p.m.
First readings emailed March 20. Classes: March 27 – June 5
(or to June 19 if the course fills up. No class April 24, May 8 or June 12).
Burlington Anglican Lutheran Church, 3455 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, Ontario (Map 

“Writing Personal Stories and Other Nonfiction” 

Online: Tuesday afternoons, 1 – 3 p.m.
April 1 – May 27 (or to June 3 if the class fills up. No class April 29) 

In-person: Thursday evenings, 7 – 9 p.m.
April 3 – May 22 (or to May 29 if the class fills up. No class April 24 or May 8)
Burlington Anglican Lutheran Church, 3455 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington, Ontario 
(Map here)
Details of both the online and in-person Personal Stories courses

(See details of all upcoming weekly classes here

Writing Conference

In-person: Prairie Horizons Conference
~ for everyone interested in writing Kid Lit
Friday, May 16 – Sunday, May 18
at the Park Town Hotel in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Details here.

To reserve a spot or for more details about any course, workshop or retreat,

Brian's schedule  has something for everyone; from beginner to advanced writers, and everyone
between. The "Welcome to Creative Writing" and "Writing Personal Stories" courses
are a great place 
to start. If you have your own writing project in progress, such as short stories,
memoirs, or a novel, 
you'll benefit from an "Intensive Creative Writing" course.
One-day workshops that address things such as How to Build Your Story and How to Get
Published are offered on Saturdays or Sundays. A great way to spend a day with people who
share a passion for words.

See you at a course or workshop soon!