Sunday, September 20
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sharon Temple, 18974 Leslie St, Sharon
(near Newmarket)
Step one: Write.
Step two: Submit.
Elizabeth writes short fiction, poetry and haiku. She has been published in Spotlight on Recovery magazine, Ascent Aspirations, RKVRY online journal, Every Day Fiction, Roadrunner online journal, Shamrock online journal, Word Riot, Every Day Poetry, Midnight Times, Flashshot, The Mastodon Dentist, First Thought poetry and more. Her first published piece was in Quick Brown Fox!
Lately, she’s been writing dark fiction for on-line horror magazines.
You can read Liz’s story, “Little Gretchen” in MicroHorror here.
Read “The Choice” in Horror Bound here.
And you can read two of Liz’s poems (not horrific) in Quick Brown Fox here.
For anyone looking for markets for their horror fiction, here’s the skinny on three on-line markets:
Horror Bound Magazine
Horror Bound Magazine is an on-line literary magazine primarily for horror fiction, however, we also feature dark fantasy, noir, thriller and speculative fiction.
We feature short stories (up to 7,000 words maximum), poetry, art, book reviews and interviews with the top talent in the field today and more!
Submission guidelines here: http://www.horrorbound.com/readarticle.php?article_id=21
(Liz reports that the editior was pleased to have a submission from Canada.)
Home: http://www.horrorbound.com/news.php
Flashes In The Dark
Flashes In The Dark is looking for well-written short, horror fiction under 1,000 words. However, we are looking for real stories…not vignettes, jokes, or horrific descriptions. All stories should have a beginning, middle, and end. Just because they’re short, short stories, doesn’t mean that all the regular elements of a story shouldn’t be present: characterization, setting, conflict theme and a plot. That’s the joy - and the agony - of flash fiction, cramming all those elements into 1,000 words or less.
We love strong characters, morbid humor, unexpected plot twists, nail-biting suspense and stories that give you genuine chills after you read them. Any or all of the above will almost guarantee an acceptance letter in your inbox.
We also love the classics of the genre. Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies…bring ‘em on! But, put your own spin on it. Make it original. Even if it’s familiar plot, the story should have your own original twist on it. A writer’s strongest gift is his or her unique voice. Don’t be afraid to use yours!
As of now, flashesinthedark.com is a non-paying market. As the website grows in popularity, we hope this will change.
To Submit, just E-mail submissions@flashesinthedark.com.
Full guidelines here: http://flashesinthedark.com/submission-guidelines/
Home: http://flashesinthedark.com/
The mission of MicroHorror.com is to be the Web’s premier free repository for horror microfiction. We went live on May 7, 2006. Come and enjoy the stories, and if you’re a writer, we invite you to contribute.
The general goal of a microfiction author is to tell a story, set a mood or depict a scene in as few words as possible. There is no official limit on how long a story can be before it no longer qualifies, but on MicroHorror.com, you will find no stories longer than 666 words.
There are three main rules for submissions: Stories need to be in the horror genre, they need to be under 666 words, and most importantly, they need to be written by you.
To submit, just e-mail me (Nathan Rosen) at microhorror@gmail.com.
Full submission guidelines here: http://www.microhorror.com/microhorror/about-faq/
Home: http://www.microhorror.com/microhorror/
Note: For information about Brian Henry’s upcoming writing workshops and courses see here.
Note: For information about Brian Henry’s upcoming writing workshops and courses see here.