Friday, August 23, 2024

New book: "Biography of a Woman" by Susan Garrod-Schuster and Giang-Chau Ghent

Dear Brian,

Thanks again for helping me birth this story in your really fun classes. I hope it will show the plight of the refugee situation in a positive light. This is a true success story. Best to you!


 Exciting news:

Biography of a Woman by Susan Garrod-Schuster and Giang-Chau Ghent is now available

This, the true story of Giang-Chau’s life, has never been told before. 

Giang-Chau’s mother was brought to the royal palace to be raised by her aunt, the dowager empress of Vietnam. But Chau did not live the life of a princess; her story is one of harrowing persecution in the years after Saigon fell to the Communists.

Then in 1979, Chau escaped her homeland aboard a small boat that was easy prey for pirates. The courage she found to endure her perilous voyage and final journey to freedom in Canada were shaped by the wisdom passed down from her female ancestors and the strength of her Buddhist faith.


Biography of a Woman is available here.

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 With Great Love,

Susan & Giang-Chau


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