Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kudos to Susan, Carolin, Sharon, Anne, and Deborah!

If you’ve had a story (or a book!) published, if you’ve won or placed in a writing contest, if you’ve gotten yourself an agent, or if you have any other news, send me an email so I can share your success. As writers, we’re all in this together, and your good news gives us all a boost. 

Also, be sure to let know if you're looking for a writers' group or beta readers; a notice in Quick Brown Fox, will help you find them. 

Email me at:


Hi, Brian.

I really enjoyed working with you in class! I’m combing through all of the notes now and working on the next round of revisions on my book.

In the meanwhile, here’s where I’m getting published:

On Sunday, August 25th, “Sending Flowers” appeared in 101 Words (here).

On Sunday, September 1st, “Kindred Spirit” appeared in Uppagus Magazine (here).

And on Thursday, September 19th, “Perfect Child” will appear in 101 Words.

Best -

Deborah Sale-Butler

P.S. Deborah also just had a piece published in Commuter Lit here.

See details of upcoming weekly classes here.

For information on submitting to 101 Words, to Witcraft, and a couple other great places send your short work, see here. For information on submitting to CommuterLit (and a few other interesting places) see here.


Hello, Brian.

I just got word from Witcraft that I have been short-listed in their annual contest. Just wanted to share that with you. I have to start somewhere and I am happy to start with this small win. I will let you know how I stack up in the standings.

Cheers! Onward and upward!

Anne Louise Pittens


Hi, Brian.

I thought you'd get a kick out of this photo:

On Saturday, August 17, I had a great day signing books at the St. Catharines Indigo/Chapters Store. At my side was my Number One Fan and Best Sales Rep – my 93-year-old mother, Alice Frayne. She was my coach when I was a little girl learning to read and write and is now the first reader of all my stories. It was a blessing for us to have the opportunity to chat with book lovers about my novel, The Sound of a Rainbow, published by Latitude 46. 

All the best,

Sharon Frayne

Note: The Sound of a Rainbow is available here.

For information about submitting to Latitude 46, see here. Note, this link also includes information about PulpLiterature, which is always open to short fiction up to 10,000 words, poetry, and graphic novels. Plus, their “The Raven” short story contest re-opened Sept 1 and the deadline is Oct 15, 2024, so follow the links!

Hello, Brian. 

Great news! I am on a list.

My narrative nonfiction manuscript God Quest: God Discovered in Everyday Places hit the short list for The 2024 Word Guild Annual Awards under the category Castle Quay Best New Canadian Manuscript (The 2024 Word Guild Awards Short List). The book spotlights profound human stories: experiences of God by ordinary people in everyday places.

 Through a narrative of story-telling God Quest: God Discovered in Everyday Places reveals God’s presence in daily living. Struggles with unemployment, mental breakdown, illness, accident, family dysfunction, life partnership, and even dreaming weave new meaning. These shared experiences are the bridge uniting the divide between our understanding of the world and God’s place in our lives—grace and spiritual evolution discovered in unexpected places. 

My writing quest began ten years ago while attending your creative writing workshops. I am grateful for all I learned, and the journey continues. Sept. 14, 2024 is the Word Guild winners and awards ceremony.

I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Carolin M. Paradis


Hi, Brian.

You've been in my mind as last week one of my personal stories was published in the Globe and Mail's First Person column. 

Early last year, I took your Writing Personal Stories virtual class. After reading one of my pieces, thoughtful feedback from classmates gave me more courage to share my writing on the sensitive topic of involuntary childlessness. As encouraged, I did submit the story shared with the class to the Globe & Mail, but didn't hear back. Then earlier this year, I submitted another piece and they ran it last Wednesday online and in print on Thursday.

My original title was “The Empty Nest.” The headline for the online version is “An empty bird’s nest always leaves me melancholy” wasn't written by me – in fact, I'm not fond of it as it doesn't reflect my thinking. Overall, though, I appreciate the opportunity. 

I will see you again in another class - perhaps in winter session.

Best wishes,

Susan Fancy

See Susan’s First Person essay here.

For information on submitting a First Person essay to the Globe and Mail {and a few other great places to submit}, see here.


See all my upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and four-day  retreats here. ~Brian

See more good news from your fellow writers here (and scroll down).

Note: You can now get new postings on Quick Brown Fox delivered straight to your Inbox as I publish them. Subscribe to the new Quick Brown Fox page on Substack here:


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