Monday, September 9, 2024

More places to send your short prose and poetry (and get paid by some of them)

See information about upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and weekend retreats here.

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Freefall: Canada’s magazine of exquisite writing

Freefall is a literary magazine based in Calgary, Alberta. It publishes two issues a year, with one of them dedicated to their annual prose and poetry contest. They accepts submissions of h poetry, fiction, non-fiction, literary reviews, author interviews, and visual arts.

For prose, submit up to 4,000 words. They accept short stories and novel excerpts; nonfiction, including writing-related or general-audience topics; creative nonfiction; plays; and postcard stories. Pays $10 per page in the magazine (to a maximum of $100) and one copy of the issue your piece is published in.

For poetry, submit 1–3 poems of any style. The length of any individual poem cannot exceed 6 pages. Pays $25 per poem and one copy of the issue your piece is published in.

For art, submit photographs of original artwork or any other subject matter. Photos must be submitted in black and white with maximum dimensions of 6” by 4”, minimum 300 dpi, and artistnametitle name scheme. FreeFall pays $100 for cover art/photos and one issue copy upon publication. They also provide the artist/photographer a one-page bio inside the issue to promote themselves.

For interviews and book reviews, submit proposal queries only (guidelines supplied when proposal approved). Pays $50 and one copy of the issue in which your piece is published.

Deadline for upcoming issue: September 30, 2024. Full guidelines here.


Blue MarbleReview is a quarterly online literary journal showcasing creative work of writers ages 13–22. They publish sort fiction, poetry, nonfiction, photography and art.

Pays $30 U.S. per published piece or $75 for cover art.

For fiction, submit stories of 1,500 words or less. You may submit up to three pieces at a time.

In nonfiction, they publish memoir, personal essays, travel adventure, and the occasional research paper and book review. You may submit one or two pieces at a time.

For poetry, submit up to three poems; otherwise, wide open.

With art, submit up to four pieces (scanned, jpeg format) or four photographs.

Full submission guidelines here.


Uppagus literary journal accepts poems, flash fiction, and visual art. 

“Uppagus is your childhood friend that adults never meet. They think he's imaginary, but you know better. Adults fear the psychological damage they'll cause by disbelieving you. So one day, they all start pretending to see him too.

“That makes Uppagus real. Doesn't it?

Uppagus is a mother-son venture, something we do for fun.”

Submit up to four poems or one flash fiction piece. They prefer flash fiction shorter than 750 words.

For visual art, submit up to six files (.jpg or .png)

Full submission guidelines here. No deadline; accepts submissions on an on-going basis.

CommuterLit is looking for short stories, memoir, novel excerpts and poetry (one poem or a series of poems), in any genre, with a word count of 500 to 4,000. They always need stories. This is one of the best places in Canada to get your first publication.

Deadline: Ongoing. Full submissions guidelines here.


See information about upcoming weekly writing classes, one-day workshops, and weekend retreats here.

For information about other places to send your short works, see here (and scroll down).




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