P.O. Box 5000
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
B2G 2W5
The Antigonish Review is a quarterly literary journal published by St. Francis Xavier University. The Review features poetry, fiction, book reviews, and critical articles from all parts of Canada, the US and overseas. It publishes both emerging and established writers.
Many young writers have been given a start here. And some of these writers have gone on to become recognized in the larger literary community, such as Wayne Johnston, David Adams Richards, Carol Shields and Leo MacKay.
Canadian luminaries Irving Layton, Dorothy Livesay, Milton Acorn, Louis Dudek, R.Murray Schafer, and Rohinton Mistry have all published in this review. Internationally acclaimed writers of the stature of Thomas Merton, Marshall McLuhan, Annie Dillard and Jane Jacobs have contributed their work as well.
Fiction should be less than 3,000 words. For poetry, submissions of 3 – 4 poems are preferred. Book reviews should be of Canadian poetry, fiction or non-fiction published in the past year. Reviews run roughly between 1,000 and 2,500 words. A reviewer might choose to review a single book or review two – four books that invite connections.
For fiction and articles, pays $100 plus two copies of the issue in which your piece appears.
For book reviews and translations, pays $50 plus two copies of the issue in which your piece appears.
For poetry, pays $30 plus two copies of the issue in which your piece appears.
Mail submissions to Bonnie McIsaac, Office Manager. No email submissions.
Full submission guidelines: http://www.antigonishreview.com/submissions.html
Note: For information about Brian Henry's writing workshops and creative writing courses, see here.
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